Following August 4’s tragedy whereby the official story is an accidental fire that caused the ammonium nitrate to blow up; we the Lebanese people had some hope with Macron’s visit and all the intl attention we got: we thought that finally we are heard and we will get the needed help to overthrow the corrupt political elite that have stolen, murdered, and terrorized us for over 40 years.
I took Macron’s statement “you elected them” as a bad omen and today there seems to be a deal that has been done. That tells how geopolitically important and vital our Mediterranean coast is in terms of natural resources and time will prove that. Back to Macron’s “you elected them”. Putting aside some facts such as only 40% of the Lebanese took to the polls, putting in place a law that only fits them, cheating, and previously extending their own term… 17 October’s revolution whereby half the Lebanese population and our expats took to the streets removed any legitimacy they had…
As Lebanese people we only have one choice and one way: TOGETHER AS ONE WE MARCH ON FOR OUR SOVEREIGNTY
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